The Cursillo Movement Pastoral Plan for the Archdiocese of Miami

Posted By Cursillo Miami

February 23, 2013


The Cursillo is a worldwide movement of the Roman Catholic Church. The founding focus of the Cursillo is to proclaim the best news, the best reality, that God loves you, using the best means, friendship, in order to give this-best-of-news to each person we encounter on our earthly journey back to the Father God. All that we do is driven by this fundamental charism discerned by the Cursillo’s founders in the hope that the fullest empowerment of Baptism might be lived by all.


The Miami Cursillo Movement’s mission is to work within our Archdiocese and in coordination with its Pastoral plan to promote each person’s encounter with self, God and others through the authentic living and sharing of what is fundamental to being a Christian and, by implementing through its School of Leaders and Secretariat, the purpose, method and strategy of the Cursillo Movement, as promulgated by the National Secretariat and contained within the literature of the Movement, to help bring about the Christian transformation of our environments.




To properly identify and select candidates [including through the effective study of environments that have the greatest impact on all society within the diocese]
To encourage proper sponsorship and preparation of the candidates for the Three-Day Weekends
To assist and prepare Sponsors in their roles and responsibilities with regard to the candidates
To ensure appropriate facilities and funding for the Three-Day weekends
To identify and select appropriate Teams to conduct the Three-Day Weekends
To train and prepare Team members for service during the Three-Day Weekends
Cursillo Movement – Miami Archdiocese Pastoral Plan
September 29, 2010



To conduct authentic Three Day Weekends for three full days in accordance with the guidelines promulgated by the National Secretariat and set forth in the latest edition of the Three-Day Manual;
To facilitate an encounter with self, Christ, and others in order to experience a renewal of baptismal commitments
To provide a transition from the Pre-Cursillo to the Post-Cursillo;
To emphasize the importance of the Group Reunion and Ultreya throughout the three days;
To arrange for general and personal palanca for team members and the candidates involved in the Three-Day Weekends;
To coordinate site selection and logistics for the Three Day Weekends


To establish and maintain a viable School of Leaders to be conducted in accordance with the latest edition of the Leaders’ Manual to provide the formation, both spiritual and in technique, that is essential for those who have accepted the call to be of service to the Cursillo Movement and to Cursillistas within the Archdiocese;
To arrange Workshops and other educational and social opportunities for Cursillistas in the Archdiocese;
To encourage and facilitate the formation and sustaining of authentic Group Reunions;
To ensure that authentic Ultreyas are offered in the Archdiocese and follow the essential elements described in the latest edition of the Leaders’ Manual;
To coordinate the local Movement’s Website and other communications in all available media.
Cursillo Movement – Miami Archdiocese Pastoral Plan
September 29, 2010


Miami Cursillo Action Plan for 2010-2011

Pre-Cursillo – Action Plan:

Identify those individuals who have potential for being agents of change. Distinguish among candidates who cannot make Cursillo, those who can, and those who should.
Ensure candidates have personal contact from leaders as well as their sponsors.
Request Pre-Cursillo workshop by Region 7 Service Team to further develop the Pre-Cursillo and team
Develop and provide workshop for sponsors or those who think they may sponsor a candidate two months prior to weekends.
Establish in as may parishes as is practical, mentors who will support and assist sponsors.
Encourage sponsors to bring non-Cursillista friends to Group reunions.
Continue to invite bi-lingual Cursillistas from the Spanish speaking School of Leaders to join the English language Teams and those from the English language School of Leaders to participate on Spanish language Teams
Develop form letters that sponsors can personalize to send their candidates (and prospective candidates) prior to the Three-Day Weekend

Three-Day Weekend — Action Plan:

Establish a Three-Day Committee to coordinate and communicate to Rector/a team member qualification criteria and selection standards and to compile and make available to Rectors/Rectoras a list of eligible Cursillo Leaders ready to participate on Teams
Develop and coordinate “Post Three-Day Weekend” Debriefings wherein Team members can discuss the Weekend and any issues that arose and any changes that might help make future Cursillo Weekends more authentic.
Emphasize creation and maintenance of an environment conducive to the “metanoia” experience during the Three-Day Weekend
Help inculcate in the candidates an understanding of their responsibilities as laity in the Church.
Cursillo Movement – Miami Archdiocese Pastoral Plan
September 29, 2010

Develop and maintain schedules and agendas for the Team preparation and for the operation of the Three-Day Weekends tailored to the available facilities

Post-Cursillo–Action Plan:

Establish and develop vibrant communities through Ultreyas.
Develop an Ultreya! Team composed of School of Leader members, representatives from two or three small Group Reunions, and the Spiritual Director to plan and coordinate Ultreyas.
Review of Ultreyas in School of Leaders to evaluate recommendations for improvement.
Focus on formation and maintenance of small friendship Group Reunions (not to exceed five participants) to support a sharing of the Tripod method, including ongoing metanoia, and evangelization efforts
Match Weekend table leaders with their candidates’ sponsors to work together in assisting new Cursillistas to begin living their Fourth Day during “rodaje” and immediately thereafter
Assign Cursillistas from the School of Leaders to submit announcements for Ultreyas and Weekends in their respective parish Bulletins, Newsletters and Websites
Plan and sponsor a Cursillo picnic during Spring/Summer and a Dinner during Fall/Winter (consider requesting donations thereat for scholarship fund for future Weekends).
Coordinate seasonal gathering of Cursillistas such as during Christmas and Easter seasons
Plan and sponsor a Mission evening led by Bishop Estevez, Father Smith and Deacon Binder at Casa Emaus or other suitable location
Promote unity and fellowship in our community through occasional Cursillo Masses (celebrated by Bishop Estevez if possible.)
Schedule teams of two Secretariat members to visit each group reunion twice each year to ensure authenticity
Publicize and promote use of the Website
Coordinate outreach (including calls) to out-of-contact Cursillistas and seek to re-involve them in activities of Movement, including serving as mentors in parishes where existing Group Reunions have not been established
Cursillo Movement – Miami Archdiocese Pastoral Plan
September 29, 2010

Communications Committee — Action Plan

Enhance, update and expand Website, as appropriate
Maintain Online Calendar

Look into updating listserv technology

Study and incorporate where feasible new media opportunities such as Facebook Groups; LinkedIn; Webinars, Blogs, Podcasts, Smartphone Apps, DVDs and CD-ROMs, etc.
Coordinate content for Website, Newsletters, Bulletin Inserts, Social events, Florida Catholic, Archdiocese Website, and other communications
Coordinate communications with Spanish Language Secretariat and with other Church Groups and Movements (such as Emmaus, Knights of Columbus, Legion of Mary, Life in the Spirit, Back on Track, etc.)
Consider development of Leaders Directory/Guide

Secretariat — Action Plan

Oversee School of Leaders
Oversee Standing Committees
Create and manage Ad Hoc Committees as needed
Arrange for Service Team Workshops from Region and National Secretariats
Revise SWOT analysis each year and update Action Plan
Update or amend Pastoral Plan as needed
Maintain and ensure compliance with By-Laws
Coordinate with Spiritual Directors
Coordinate with Bishop and Archdiocese
Coordinate with Region VII Secretariat
Coordinate with National Secretariat
Cursillo Movement – Miami Archdiocese Pastoral Plan
September 29, 2010

Ensure financial viability of local Movement and maintain finances and reporting for local Movement
Seek endowments and bequests and other donations from Cursillistas
Develop succession plan for Leadership of local Movement
Study and target key environments in community (e.g., Haitian Community; Broward County; Legal professionals, other industries, workplaces, etc.) to seek to leaven using authentic Cursillo method
Promote and support local Movement participation in Regional, National and International Encounters and Ultreyas
Seek to further increase collaboration between Spanish and English Secretariats

(Adopted by Secretariat November 29, 2010)

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